A Practical Example: the Story of Linux (Week 13)
As I am utilizing Windows as my "daily driver" I might not be as experienced in Linux as many other IT specialists, but in this week's blog we will cover two major distributions of Linux and the differences between them in my humble opinion.
Desktop Environments:
Both Ubuntu and Fedora utilize GNOME desktop environments by default, there is only a slight difference
Fedora uses the stock GNOME interface
Ubuntu has customized its GNOME interface to look more like the old "Unity Desktop"
Hardware Support:
Linux as a whole has its fair share of driver issues and incompatibilities and both Ubuntu and Fedora suffer from that. However,
Ubuntu: Provides an easier way to install necessary proprietary drivers which results in a more user friendly interface and better hardware support
Fedora: Fedora on the other hand chooses to stick to open source software, thus making it challenging to update/install drivers
Windows Subsystem:
As a mainly windows oriented user myself, I find this aspect particularly decisive. A windows subsystem allows you to use Linux tools and features even on systems equipped with Windows
Ubuntu is officially available as a windows subsystem on WSL 2
Fedora: On the other hand, is not officially available, although you can still integrate it. But it is usually harder from what I have heard and read.
User base and Support:
Fedora: Has a main community support forum : AskFedora, and is less popular than Ubuntu, although many still use it
Ubuntu: On the other hand, has two main community forums for support : AskUbuntu and UbuntuForums, and is more popular compared to Fedora. The popularity of Ubuntu has prompted a number of websites and blogs focused primarily on Ubuntu(like this one here).
While both are major and one of the most popular Linux distributions out there, I personally us Ubuntu and find it really useful and more user friendly. Although my go to choice is Ubuntu integrated as a subsystem to my Windows device, People vary and so does their opinions and preferences.
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